
Showing posts from January, 2021

Liver dysfunction in dogs

                    Liver is an important organ of the body and performs various functions, acts as reservoir ( glucose etc) and is capable of regenerating. It is the second largest organ in the dogs body next to skin. Due to its wonderful regenerating capacity makes it some protection against permanent damage.                    However liver is also susceptible to injury due to it's function as a metabolising, detoxifying and storing of various toxins.  Causes for liver dysfunction :                    Some of the factors making the dogs liver dysfunction are             Ageing            Genetic factors            Infections           Trauma            Medical side effects  ...

Kennel cough in dogs

                      Kennel cough is an highly contagious respiratory disease in dogs. It is also known as Canine infectious traecheobronchitis. it is caused by number of bacterial and viral diseases. puppies and elder dogs are more prone to this disease. etiological factor :                      one of the most common cause for kennel cough in dogs are Bordetella bronchiseptica and so kennel cough is often called as bordetella. most of the dogs affected with this bacterial disease are immunodeficient due to some viral infections like CANINE ADENO VIRUS, CANINE DISTEMPER VIRUS,CANINE HERPES VIRUS, REO VIRUS , PARA INFLUENZA. Route of transmission :                    Infection spread from one dog to other through airborne droplets, direct contact (touching nose ) ,contaminated surfaces also include water and food bowls. It resul...

Diabetes in dogs

                          Diabetes mellitus in dogs is a condition in which  beta - cells of endocrine pancreas either stop producing insulin or producing in quantities not sufficient for body needs.                           It is a chronic disorder of carbohydrate metabolism due to relative or absolute insulin deficiency. Most of the condition occurs in middle aged dogs and especially females are more affected than male. Obese animals are more susceptible to diabetes than normal ones.                         Insulin resistance diabetes - in this condition pancreas are producing some insulin but the dog's body is not able to utilise insulin, as the cells are not responding to the insulins message, so glucose are not pulled into body cells from the blood which is a source of energy and is lost ...

Cataract in dog

                            Cataract is one of the most common cause for vision loss in dogs and may also leads to permanent blindness. A cataract is an opacity of lens of dogs eye. If the cataract is small it won't obstruct the dog's vision too much, but cataract must be monitored because the thicker and denser they become, the more likely it will leads to blindness.                            In normal conditions light passes through the cornea and the lens to reach the back of the eye (retina). The lens is transparent in healthy dog  and is located behind the iris ( coloured part of eye ). In healthy lens it focuses light on to retina producing sharp image. In the condition of cataract, lens become opaque and interfere with passage of light. Causative factors :        Age factor ( old age)        Traum...

Otitis in dogs

                 It is the most common disease symptom in dogs and involves infection of ears. Any infection to the tubular canal that carries sound to the ear drum is known as Ootitis externa. This condition occurs when the layer of  cells lining the ear canal get inflammed. It is very common in hairy breeds with hairy ears like cocker spaniels, poodles, sheep dogs etc. Etilogical factors :                   Parasites ( Demodicosis, otodectes, sarcoptes, ticks etc)                    Foreign objects                    Atopic dermatitis                    Adverse food reactions                    Neoplasia ( cancer growth)                   Auto -...

Demodicosis in dog

                        Demodicosis is an inflammatory dog disease caused by demodex canis and demodex injai. It occurs when large number of demodicosis sps inhabit hair follicles and sebaceous glands. These demodex mites are transmitted from mother to puppies during nursing within 72 hours after birth. Immunosuppression, natural or iatrogenic can precipitate the disease. In some cases Secondary bacterial deep folliculitis, furunculosis or cellulitis may occur leading to guarded prognosis.                       There are 3 forms of demodicosis seen in dogs.          1,Localised demodicosis         2, Juvenile-onset generalised       demodicosis          3,Adult onset generalised demodicosis.                        In the case...

Pyoderma in dogs

                           Pioderma name itself suggests pus in the skin. It can be caused by infectious, inflammation or neoplastic ( cancer) in origin. It is defined as any condition that results in neutrophilic accumulation beneath the skin, it is mainly due to bacterial skin infection. Etiology :       Most common reasons for pioderma in dogs are bacterial infections ( staphylococcus, streptococcus, micrococcus etc). Other reasons are       Flea infestations      Mite infestation ( demodicosis)      Allergies ( food allergy, atopic dermatitis,       flea allergy)      Internal diseases ( Hypothyroidism, hypo   adrenocorticism)      Seborrhoeic conditions ( seborrheicgland  disease).                     Pioderma can be classified based on...

Making the dog for shows

                 The first and foremost thing to make the breed appear fancy depends on breed selection, as in most of the cases the hairy breeds appears to be more attractive than others.    The other conditions to make the dog appear to be fanciful include: Bathing :                  Regular bathing of dogs removes the dirt on the dogs coat and also prevents attracting of tick, lice, mites etc which not only causes health problems at the same time they also leads to loss of hair (patchy hairloss) and other, leading to animal appearing uglier. Using the dog shampoos for bathing, care to be care inorder to prevent Swallowing of shampoo which is posionous to dog and also care to be taken to keep dog warm after bathing in winter.  Nail trimming :                 It is done as a regular exercise once for every 6 months as a routine practice with n...

Hernia in dogs

                Hernia is an abnormal opening in the muscle which allows the internal organs and tissues to pass through it to reach other parts of the body. Hernia is very common in dogs especially in puppies.                                Hernia can be congenital that is present by birth or over a period of time due to trauma or accidents or being bitten by other dogs. Almost 90% of hernia are genetical, as most puppies are born with them. The severity of hernia depends on location of development of hernia. Types of hernia :                          There are 5 types of hernia common in dogs which varies in severity, ranging from non - concerning to life threatening. Umbilical hernia :                            It is the most common...

Diarrhoea in dogs

                    It is a condition of discharging loose faeces by the dogs for morethan 2 times a day, Some times it may be blood or mucus mixed. Diarrhoea may be due to number of reasons. Some of the most common reasons for diarrhoea are Swallowing a foreign or poisonous agent :                  As this leads to release of toxins which causes excessive loss of water from the body.  Parvo viral infection :                 In this condition virus binds to rapidly dividing cells of intestine and causes acute enteritis and necrosis of intestinal crypt and villus atrophy.  Excessive food intake :                Due to over feeding of dogs leads to diarrhoea but the condition regains normal with 1 or 2 days. Colitis :                Almost 1/3rd of dogs with chronic d...

Dogs -Deworming drug contraindications

Deworming drugs: Ivermectin :              Ivermectin can be  used for control of heart worms, round worms ( incl ascarids, hookworms) and also ticks and mites like demodicosis. Dog breeds sensitive to ivermectin are       Coolie, sheep dogs, Australian shepherd, German shepherd, whippet, terriers.       It should not be used in dogs less than 6 months age group.  Side effects :    Dehydration     Muscle Tremors    Vomiting    Dilated pupil    Blindness    Lack of coordination     Vomiting. Praziquintol  :              It is the drug of choice for tapeworms (dipylidium caninum, taenia pisiformis.        Praziquintol poisoning :            Salivation, ataxia, depression and vomition. Pyrantal pamoate :           It is...