Demodicosis in dog


  Demodicosis is an inflammatory dog disease caused by demodex canis and demodex injai. It occurs when large number of demodicosis sps inhabit hair follicles and sebaceous glands. These demodex mites are transmitted from mother to puppies during nursing within 72 hours after birth. Immunosuppression, natural or iatrogenic can precipitate the disease. In some cases Secondary bacterial deep folliculitis, furunculosis or cellulitis may occur leading to guarded prognosis.

                      There are 3 forms of demodicosis seen in dogs.

         1,Localised demodicosis

        2, Juvenile-onset generalised       demodicosis

         3,Adult onset generalised demodicosis.


 In the case of localised demodicosis occurs in the dogs age group of less than 1 year and can resolve on it's own and lesions may occur in some of the specific areas like lips, peri-orbital areas and in forelimbs etc and some other clinical signs like alopecia, Scaling, erythema. 


  Juvenile onset of generalised demodicosis is due to immunologic deficit with functional abnormality associated with cell mediated system. It is a severe condition with symptoms like erythema, papules, alopecia, oily seborrhea, edema, hyper pigmentation and crusts that are usually aggrevated with secondary bacterial infections.


       Adult onset of generalised demodicosis have the similar symptoms as like Juvenile onset demodicosis in adult dogs. It is typically associated with neoplastic processes or due to deliberating diseases that causing immunosuppression.

Diagnosis :


      Diagnosis by clinical signs, and deep skin scrappings from the affected areas of the skin ( alopecia, pustules, erythema etc), plucking hair and a tape squeeze technique used to detect demodex mite which is distinctive cigar shaped.

Treatment :


    Treatment of canine demodicosis includes reducing the inflammation and thereby reducing secondary skin infections. Majority of localised skin infections resolves of its own without any anti-Parasitic therapy. The most common treatment for demodicosis includes usage of ivermectin (300-600mcg/day/kg bwt) in tappering doses for 2 weeks.

Amitraz dip:

                     Dipping of the dog once or 2 weeks once, whole body clipping is to be done for long haired breeds through out the treatment so that the solution can reach the mite present down in the hair follicle. 

Lime sulfur dips :

                      It can be used for demodicosis and are effective in the earlier phases of treatment of very severe  generalised demodicosis with severe furunculosis forming deep pyoderma. 
                     The gold standard test for negative demodicosis involves collection of 2 negative skin scrappings from the previously collected sites which are positive for demodicosis at 1 month interval.
                     Differential diagnosis with pyoderma, other tick, flea infestations, Systemic diseases which leads to alopecia etc.

Note :

        Incase of any quires regarding your dog, please feel free to contact me on


                          Thank you. 


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