Cataract in dog


Cataract is one of the most common cause for vision loss in dogs and may also leads to permanent blindness. A cataract is an opacity of lens of dogs eye. If the cataract is small it won't obstruct the dog's vision too much, but cataract must be monitored because the thicker and denser they become, the more likely it will leads to blindness.

                           In normal conditions light passes through the cornea and the lens to reach the back of the eye (retina). The lens is transparent in healthy dog  and is located behind the iris ( coloured part of eye ). In healthy lens it focuses light on to retina producing sharp image. In the condition of cataract, lens become opaque and interfere with passage of light.

Causative factors :

       Age factor ( old age)
       Retinal Diseases

Diagnosis :

            Dog can be tentatively diagnosed based on eyes developing of cloudy or bluish - grey colour. Beware that it's natural for a dog's lens to become cloudy or grey with age. This condition is known as nuclear sclerosis, doesn't put dogs vision in as danger as cataract might and treatment isn't usually recommended. However, any cloudyness at all in yours pet eye is a sign for you to take dog to vet.
Blood tests to analyse for underlying causes, which may include 
      Chemistry tests for underlying kidney, liver and pancreatic diseases and function as well as sugars. 
      A complete blood count to rule out any infections, Anaemia as well as other conditions. 

Treatment :

          Treatment depends on underlying causes, stage of development and his overall health condition, it includes treating underlying causes. 
         Using of eye drops that may helps to prevent inflammation and other secondary problems. 
        The last way in vision restoring treatment for cataract is surgery. Cataract surgery is usually performed with a technique called phacoemulsification.

Prevention :

         Routine eye examination as a part of regular health check up helps to know the eye health of dog. If there is any underlying problems ( diabetes, trauma etc) treating them without any delay.
        Giving the aged dogs with liver tonics and kidney supplements inorder to maintain their health etc   

Note :

          Incase of any quires regarding your dog please feel free to contact me on 

                     Thank you 


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