Diabetes in dogs


              Diabetes mellitus in dogs is a condition in which  beta - cells of endocrine pancreas either stop producing insulin or producing in quantities not sufficient for body needs.

                          It is a chronic disorder of carbohydrate metabolism due to relative or absolute insulin deficiency. Most of the condition occurs in middle aged dogs and especially females are more affected than male. Obese animals are more susceptible to diabetes than normal ones.

                        Insulin resistance diabetes - in this condition pancreas are producing some insulin but the dog's body is not able to utilise insulin, as the cells are not responding to the insulins message, so glucose are not pulled into body cells from the blood which is a source of energy and is lost from the body through urine. 

                         Breeds commonly affected with diabetes includes pomeranian, poodle, dachshund, samoyed, Beagles etc, any breed can be susceptible to diabetes.

Pre-disposing factors :

           Destruction of islet cells 
           Chronic relapsing pancreatitis with replacement of exocrine and endocrine cells with fibrous connective tissue. 
          Hyper adrenocorticism or chronic administration of glucocorticoids, progestins etc( secondary diabetes mellitus).
          Pregnancy and diestrus 
          Cushing's disease - as the body overproduce steriods internally. 
         Auto-immune disorders 
         Inheritance ( genetics).

Clinical symptoms :

              The renal threshold for glucose in dogs are approximately 180mg/dl, over and above leads to diabetes condition.
              Some of the common symptoms are 
                Polyurea ( excessive urination) 
                Polyphagia ( excessive appetite) 
                Polydipsia  (  excessive thirst ) 
                Weight loss
             In advanced stages dog develops symptoms of depression, loss of appetite, vomitions etc. 
              Diabetes can also leads to cataract, enlarged liver, urinary tract infections, kidney failure, seizures, diabetic keto acidosis, hyper glycemia ( blood glucose  more than 600mg/dl) etc. 

 Diagnosis :

                  Diagnosis of diabetes mellitus is based on persistant fasting  hyperglycaemia and glycosuria. The normal fasting value for blood glucose in dogs is 75-120mg /dl. Blood tests also show other indications of diabetes such as high liver enzymes and electrolyte imbalance. 


Urine test strips. 


Treatment :

       Dietary changes with  food containing more of proteins, fiber and complex carbohydrates which helps in slow absorption of glucose.
       Exercise which helps to prevent sudden rise and fall of glucose levels. A regular and consistent exercise is necessary.
       Injections- insulin injections beneath the skin is necessary for most of the cases. 
      Oral diabetes drugs. 

Treatment complications :

    Some of the common signs include
      Ataxia, depression, dizziness, vomition, trembling etc. 


  1. I am very happy to inform the general public that I am finally cured from Diabetes recently with the use of herbal medicine. The powerful herbal medicine cured me completely and I was tested negative after usage, I am using this means to inform other's who have the virus that there is a cure for DIABETES TYPE 1/2 . It is absolutely true. I was cured by Dr. OSE, only him I can recognize who cures DIABETES perfectly well. He treats all types of infections, viruses, diseases and other health issues, I will advice you to contact this great doctor who God has sent to put an end to the sorrowful and deadly disease. Contact him via Email: droseherbalhome@gmail .com...


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