Hernia in dogs
Hernia is an abnormal opening in the muscle which allows the internal organs and tissues to pass through it to reach other parts of the body. Hernia is very common in dogs especially in puppies.
Hernia can be congenital that is present by birth or over a period of time due to trauma or accidents or being bitten by other dogs. Almost 90% of hernia are genetical, as most puppies are born with them. The severity of hernia depends on location of development of hernia.
Types of hernia :
There are 5 types of hernia common in dogs which varies in severity, ranging from non - concerning to life threatening.
Umbilical hernia :
It is the most common type of hernia in dogs and is usually seen in puppies of age group less than 2 weeks of age, and is mostly genetical, it appears as a protrusion where the belly button usually intestine or fat moves through an opening under the skin causing the protrusion. In most of the case they heal of their own by the time they reach 3-4 months of age and in some condition it needs surgery.
Diaphragmatic hernia :
The diaphragm is a thin muscle at the base of dog's chest. It contracts to help to pull air into lungs and relaxes when air is expelled. If this muscle is torned or disrupted internal organs including the stomach, liver and intestines can enter the chest cavity which can results in respiratory distress. This condition is mainly due to trauma in rare condition it is congenital.
Hiatal hernia :
This type of hernia forms at the opening of diaphragm where the esophagus meets stomach. They occurs when part of the stomach or other organs push through this opening. They can be caused by injury or congenital.
Perineal hernia :
This develops when the contents of abdomen pushes through a tear or weakness in the pelvis through the area near anus. It happens more often in adult male dogs.
Inguinal hernia :
It occurs near the groin where dog's hind leg attaches to their body. If the inguinal hernia is large, the bladder or uterus may become trapped, which can be a life threatening situation. This type of hernia is more common in pregnant dogs but it can also be caused by trauma.
Symptoms of hernia in dogs :
Most common symptom include a soft mass protruding from dogs body. Other signs of a dog hernia include
Appetite loss
Swelling in the areas of hernia
Difficulty in breathing or shortening of breath.
Diagnosis :
Diagnosis include physical examination during which veterinarian can check protrusions or swelling.
In addition to this x - rays or performing an Ultrasound to confirm the diagnosis of a hernia and to evaluate severity.
Treatment :
Most of the hernia's require surgery to put the organs back into their original place and to repair the hole or a tear.
In the case of umbilical hernia, in most of the case surgery is not required, a simple pressure band is sufficient to overcome this problem.
Aftercare :
Post-operative care includes giving anti - inflammatory drugs, pain killers, Restricting the dog's activity.
Note :
Incase of any quires regarding your dog please feel free to contact me on
Thank you.
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