
Showing posts from May, 2021

Dog - Chocolate

 Why is chocolate bad for dogs?                       Chocolate contain an ingredient called theobromine ( similar to caffeine ) which is toxic to dog. As humans can easily metabolise theobromine whereas dog takes long time to metabolise theobromine which leads to accumulation of toxins in the system.                       Though chocolate is toxic for dogs but a small amount only leads to vomitions, stomach upset and diarrhoea. Whereas, a large amount of theobromine leads to tremors, irregular heart beat, seizures and internal bleeding e.t.c leading to death of dog.                        The onset of theobromine poisoning shows the symptoms of hyperactivity, as theobromine is a brain stem stimulant. Chocolates with theobromine levels :                       ...

Obesity In Dogs

                 Obesity refers to excessive fat accumulation in the adipose tissue of dog due to over intake of energy rich foods leading to increase in the body weight of the dog which will have negative impact on the health of the dog. Breeds which are prone to canine obesity?               Some of the medium and large sized canine breeds more susceptible to obesity like                Labridor                Dachshund                Doberman pinscher                Hounds               German shepherd                Bull dog and pug               Beagles etc. Complications due to obesity in dogs?             ...


                                       Canine Parvo virus is a highly contagious viral dog disease mainly affects the gastro intestinal tract lining of pups of age group 6 - 20 weeks of age but older animals are also sometimes affected. A very rare varient of the virus may sometime leads to myocarditis in pups.                                     Canine Parvo virus can easily spread from one dog to other through direct dog to dog contact , contact with contaminated faeces , people and environment. Incubation period of this virus is 3 - 7 days.                                Breeds that are more susceptible to parvo viral disease condition are                  Rotweiler   ...

Covid zoonosis

  What is zoonosis?                        Zoonosis or zoonotic disease which are caused by germs ( bacteria, virus, fungus etc) that spread between people and animals. Eg : Rabies, bird flu, swine flu etc. Covid 19 disease :                      Covid 19 or corona virus is a contagious respiratory disease caused by sars cov-2 ( severe acute respiratory syndrome). It was first identified in the month of December 2019 in wuhan, china. So the disease got the name of covid 19 as it was discovered in the year of 2019. Route of transmission :                  Droplets ( coughing, sneezing)                  Nasal discharges                  Conjunctival discharges etc Animal to human transmission :             ...

Basic puppies info.

  At what age puppies open their eyes?                    Normally puppies are born with closed eyes, as the eyes of puppies develop even after the birth and exposure to light may damage the eggs. Eg ; Marsupials ( kangaroo) grow for months in the mother's pouch after the birth.                   Puppies open their eyes 10-14 days after the birth. Age at which puppies hear and sense smell?                Puppies navigate by smell from the moment they are born and it is the strongest sense they have.                Hearing is the last sense pups develop. They can't hear until about three weeks of age.